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Saturday, 16 November 2013 22:21


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Leaderboom Workshops

Thriving as a team in the 21st Century


Intrapreneurship 101: Building Innovation Mindset in High Performing Teams

This ground-breaking experiential workshop will change the way you think about your job and your career. Intrapreneurs are people or groups within a business or cross-functional team who take direct responsibility for identifying corporate solutions and turning ideas into profitable finished products through assertive risk-taking and innovation. Intrapreneurship 101 provides in-depth training in our core team leadership methodology and is based on the belief that intrapreneurship can be learned, practiced and mastered.

Intrapreneurship 101 develops leaders and teams to achieve exceptional levels of performance and facilitates a shift in mindset as leaders learn what it takes to align people, foster innovation and achieve high performance during periods of accelerated change.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Think like an intrapreneur, both personally and professionally
  • Foster an intrapreneurial spirit within a company
  • Link an intrapreneurial culture to an organization's mission and values
  • Manage and support five generations in the workforce
  • Identify and leverage individual and core strengths in diverse teams
  • Forge a shared purpose that inspires teams into focused action
  • Create win-win agreements for team engagement and accountability
  • Lead teams through influence, not authority
  • Create a solution mindset vs. a negative mindset
  • Adapt a workforce through accelerated change
  • Turn an idea into a profitable finished product or solution
  • Create breakthrough goals and an action plan to achieve them

Memorable real world stories of intrapreneurship (case studies) will be introduced, analyzed and measured. This workshop will enable participants to: 

  • Think like an intrapreneur
  • Demonstrate key concepts and behaviors in intrapreneurial leadership
  • Recall models of intrapreneurship applied in business environments
  • Create base frameworks for optimizing cross-functional team success
  • Analyze and apply intrapreneurial solutions to core business challenges

To learn more about this workshop or other services we invite you to contact us by calling 1-416-699-2666 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To learn about current trends in the workplace click here http://workplacetrends.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=129



Read 4485 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 14:37
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